简介: In trying to comprehend our universe, just how big is big? How far is far? This users guide to the cosmos will bring the incomprehensible down to a human scale such as Venus melting a tank, the density of a black hole compared to 1000 cars in a Coke can, and the comets in the Solar System equated to grains of sugar weighing half a ton.
郭麒麟///吴镇宇///徐峥///杨天真///蒋龙///庞博///王建国///杨笠///周奇墨///蔡康永///爆爆///陈述// DAVY //东成西就///多多///大老王///戴为///二人站///付航///傅首尔// Hamza //黑灯///卡卡///笼包///刘仁铖///良言///刘旸///刘振东///毛冬/