简介: Saturday Night Live aired its thirty-second season during the 2006-2007 television season. This season began on September 30, 2006 and ended on May 19, 2007 with 20 episodes produced. Before the start of the season, the show suffered massive budget cuts. Finesse Mitchell, Chris Parnell and Horatio Sanz were all fired from the show because of the cuts. This was the second time P...
杰森·贝特曼///劳拉·琳妮///朱莉娅·加纳///玛丽路易丝·贝克///汉斯·马雷罗///卡尔森·霍尔姆斯///约翰·盖蒂尔///麦金利·贝尔彻三世///艾琳·欧贝///罗伯特·C.特雷维勒///纳尔逊·波尼拉// Meredith Jackson //泰勒·切斯///萨顿·约翰斯顿///帕努瓦特·安东尼·纳纳肯帕诺姆///佩德罗·洛佩兹///布登·约翰斯顿///迈克·卢茨/