简介: Outnumbered follows the daily chaos of family life and two parents and three young children locked in an unequal contest. Across half-hour episodes, viewers witness an honest portrayal of the well-meaning parental incompetence that happens in most homes, as a beleaguered mum and dad attempt to raise their kids with the minimum of emotional damage for all concerned.
Outnumbered follows the daily chaos of family life and two parents and three young children locked in an unequal contest. Across half-hour episodes, viewers witness an honest portrayal of the well-meaning parental incompetence that happens in most homes, as a beleaguered mum and dad attempt to raise their kids with the minimum of emotional damage for all concerned.展开
特德·丹森///斯蒂芬妮·比翠丝// Lilah Richcreek Estrada //凯莉·奥马利///嘉玛·威廉姆森///妮娜·戈辛菲奥// Shylo Shaner / Marc Anthony Samuel //库尔特·克勒///小吉米·沃克// Fatima Dominguez / Scott Jordan / Frank Scozzari / Valerie Ybarra/